Rs. 1,93,080 is projected for Classic 350 Redditch-Single Channel ABS.
The pricing of the Classic 350 Halcyon Single Channel ABS versions.
The Classic 350 Halcyon, Classic Signals, Classic Dark, and Classic Classic models are priced at Rs. 1,95,919, Rs. 2,01,984, Rs. 2,13,852, Rs. 2,20,991, and Rs. 2,24,755.
Classic 350 has a 13-liter gasoline tank and weighs 195 kg.
A 349cc BS6 engine with 20.2 horsepower output is included in the mechanical specs.
5 speed gearbox-connected
The engine produces 20.2bhp and 27Nm of peak torque.
Redditch models have single-channel ABS while twin disc variants have two-channel ABS.